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Mrs. Santos

This looks like it's going to be a great series. I have a lot to learn. My oldest (12yo) just started using A Beka Academy. She's doing great with it so far.

Thank you so much for stopping by my blog, and for leaving a comment. It's been nice "meeting" you. Have a good day.


Hi Mrs. Santos, You can't go wrong with A Beka. It's thorough. Is she using the CD lectures? If so, you might want to break it up a bit as the lectures tend to get mundane. She's your best judge. If she is doing great then it works! Thanks for visiting.

Homeschool Planet

This looks great! I am so glad you stopped by my blog so that I could find yours! Thank you! I look forward to reading more. :)


Hi Homeschool planet. Thank you for visiting!

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