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Emily Adams McCord

Sooo yummy! I did NOT know that Costco sold artichokes. I guess I shall have to make a second trip there this week? #myroughlife

~Emily from The Orange Slate


It's hit or miss on the artichokes at Costco. Just check in the refrigerated fresh fruit and vegetable section.

Mrs. Smythe

My goodness, what a beautiful cake!

Mrs. Smythe

Oops! This was supposed to go with the cake post below! Sheesh! It's early. I haven't fully woken up, I guess.

I've never prepared an artichoke. You are brave. My mother used to make them all the time, though...when we lived in California. :) We were Northern California, though. Near Chico.


Mrs. Smythe, Thank you! I went to college at UC Davis so I love Northern California. Of course, I knew all about the fun times at Chico State! The artichoke recipe is really easy and Martha Stewart has that great visual tutorial.

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